Saturday, October 25, 2008

RIP Nala

Lil' baby Nala passed away this afternoon while being cuddled by her best friend Oreo.  She was only nine months old.  She had a very aggressive form of cancer (osteosarcoma) and is finally at rest.  She will be greatly missed by all for her sweet disposition, constant affection, and innocent shyness.

Nala came to live with us this April from Rattie Love Rescue in Cincinnati, Ohio - and she went from a terrified little rattie who didn't like people to the sweetest of all.  Her favorite places were snuggling in the nook of your arm bruxing, or running around like a mad-woman in her big blue rattie ball.

She may have only been on this earth a short while, but she's touched each and every one of us.

*~*~ Rest in Peace Nala ~*~*

January 2008 - October 24, 2008

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